Sunday, February 27, 2022

Musical Sunday

This song by Warren Zevon has appeared on Musical Sunday several times before, because it has a timeless connection to news events about political figures that just seem to keep bubbling up like noxious gas from a septic tank. As decades of past illegality finally catch up (we hope) to Der Furor, his family of grifters, and all his Congressional sycophants, "Lawyers, Guns, and Money" becomes timely once again as Ukraine - the sovereign nation Der Furor tried to bully into helping him get elected by smearing his opponent - fights for its life.

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend. Don't bother sending lawyers or guns to Der Furor, because he won't pay for them anyhow ... he'll just get some stooge like the RNC to pay for them. And don't send money, either ... the way he's monetized his term as president and milked the sheep who follow him, he doesn't need your help.

More thoughts coming. 


1 comment:

Mike said...

I really like the music.