Sunday, February 06, 2022

Poetry Sunday

They say that behind every great man is a woman pushing like hell. How far up the chain do you suppose that goes? ...

Mrs. God
by Connie Wanek

Someone had to do the dirty work,
spading the garden, moving mountains,
keeping the darkness out of the light,
and she took every imperfection personally.

Mr. Big Ideas, sure,
but someone had to run the numbers.
Then talk about babies: he never imagined
so many.

That was part of his charm, of course,
his frank amazement at consequences.
The pretty songs he gave the finches:
those spoke to his

innocence, his ability to regard
every moment as fresh. “Let’s give them
free will and see what happens.”
he said, ever the optimist.

Ever the optimist, indeed. We see how well that free will thing has worked out.

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend. More thoughts coming.



Mike said...

"Free will"

allenwoodhaven said...

Ever the optimist indeed. Great Poem!