Saturday, May 07, 2022

Cartoon Saturday

The first week in May looks a lot like all the other previous weeks in this crummy year ...

The leaked draft of a Supreme Court decision authored by Justice Samuel Alito appears to show that the heavily-conservative court is prepared to overturn Roe v Wade and other precedents and end the federally-protected right to abortion; Russian forces invading Ukraine appear to be looting vast amounts of grain in an attempt to further wreck the Ukrainian economy while lessening the impact of sanctions on Russia; in Arizona, falling water levels in Lake Mead caused by ongoing drought conditions has revealed a body sealed in a barrel, with more such discoveries expected; Representative Madison Cawthorne has said he "won't back down" after a naked video of him in bed was leaked, the latest in a series of bizarre behaviors from the young North Carolina representative; and - remaining in North Carolina - a woman has died after getting stuck in a bread machine for an hour ... the second time within weeks a worker has died while operating an industrial bread machine in the state.

We need cartoons, stat ... this week, featuring law, courts, and lawyers, because why not? ...

Really successful lawyers are born, not made ...

The GOP takes the next step on monitoring personal behavior ...

We're people ... until we aren't ...

Best legal invention ever ...

If Guy Fawkes had been a Republican ...

Clearly, it can ...

Uh, oh ...

Sometimes, it's the best form of community service ...

Modern presentation of jury decisions ...

Yes, that's worse ...

And that's it for this week's Cartoon Saturday ... I hope it helped you cope.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts coming.



Mike said...

Oh, MAN! Are these all true or WHAT!

Let's give tRUMP 20 years of National service!

allenwoodhaven said...

These are Great! Guy Fawkes and community service were my favorites.