Friday, May 06, 2022

The Right-Cheek Ass Clown for May, 2022

From the embarrassment of "riches" that is the pool of potential Ass Clown Award nominees, it's often hard to single out a winner, but this time there's no contest ... we present the award for

The Right-Cheek Ass Clown for May, 2022


Senator Susan Collins (R, ME)

During Der Furor's efforts to pack the Supreme Court with deeply conservative sycophants, one of his consistently-reliable Senate votes came from Maine Senator Susan Collins, who piously supported the brazen theft of one court seat and the filling of two others with manifestly unqualified justices.

Now, as the leaked draft of a Supreme Court decision reversing the 1973 Roe v Wade decision which protected a woman's right to choose abortion reveals, at least two and probably all three of Der Furor's court appointees openly lied during their confirmation hearings when they agreed that Roe v. Wade was settled law under the principle of stare decisis. Collins reacted to the news with this comment: 

"If this leaked draft opinion is the final decision and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office."

Completely inconsistent with is a supremely political euphemism for lied

We might also note that Senator Collins twice voted against the impeachment of Der Furor for his attempt to strongarm Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelinsky and his incitement of the January 6th, 2020, insurrection, telling Norah O'Donnell of CBS News that 

“I believe that the president has learned from this case. The president has been impeached. That’s a pretty big lesson.”

If nothing else, Senator Collins deserves recognition as the most consistently gullible member of Congress, a person impervious to evidence and in service to the maintenance of a deeply conservative political, religious, and social agenda unpopular with the great majority of Americans.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, the Right-Cheek Ass Clown Award for May, 2022, is presented to Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins ... the woman whose failure to recognize and punish official wrongdoing at the very highest levels of government has led directly to the awful political, social, and judicial conditions we see in today's America.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow, when Cartoon Saturday makes its first appearance for May.



Mike said...

She is a BS artist for sure.

allenwoodhaven said...

Didn't see that coming but an excellent choice.

It truly baffles me that some people believe they have the right to make personal decisions for others in issues like abortion. It's "everyones' body, their choice" not "everyones' bodies, your choice". We are on the verge of some very hard times, and that's on top of hard times past and present. Enough already!