Anyhow, because we're still in the busy mode for today, I thought I'd just offer up a few things out of my pictorial blog fodder folder, with appropriate comments...
How about them gas prices, eh ... ?

Over at Captain Picard's Journal, the weekend question is "What tasks do you find easier to do nowadays with the advent of new technology? What others are harder?" I think that telephones are a lot harder to use, mostly because of overly complicated instructions and increasingly-tiny keys. Here's the phone I'm waiting for ...

There's also a new NRA-sponsored phone for die-hard Second Amendment supporters ...

This one goes out to all you vegetarians who are shamelessly violating the rights of plants everywhere ...

Particularly appropriate during election season ...

And finally, a look at life as seen by toothbrushes ...

It's now time for breakfast and the enjoyment of the last day with Lisa and her family. Tomorrow begins Phase 2 of the Spring Break Adventures at Chez Bilbo, when our son and two grandsons arrive for a week of excitement in Disneyland-on-the-Potomac. It'll be interesting ...
Have a good day. Brush your teeth and carry the right phone.
More thoughts tomorrow.
Gas prices are painful, especially for the long commuters to Huntsville.
I feel the pain of gas prices.
Does the NRA also have a lighter in the shape of a handgun?
We had considered visiting the Tidal Basin, but figured most of the blossoms would be on the ground in yesterday's weather.
Even though you'll need bedrest to recuperate from your weekend, it sounds enchanting and full of lots of smiles with those grand babies.
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