I got my first comment five days later, and since then I've received 8404 more (that were reported to me at my e-mail account), or 8720 more (as recorded by Blogger) ... the difference is that sometimes I don't get e-mail notification of comments as they come in. I average about four comments per post, not counting comments received on my Facebook page, which links to the blog each day.
Today is my 1,986th post. Over the years, I've developed a system by which I post almost every morning, usually on a topic I pick either the day before, or as I sit down at the desk and look at the headlines. I try to keep it topical, but I have a huge "Blog Fodder" file of links to things I think are interesting and worth writing about, so I seldom have a problem finding something on which to base a post.
I started labeling posts fairly late in the process, and have found it an interesting way to keep track of the general sorts of things I've blogged about ... for instance, I've done 180 Cartoon Saturdays and eight Ass Clown of the Week/Month/Year awards.
I've collected a group of online fellow bloggers whose blogs I regularly read, and who are frequent commenters - some of my oldest (and I use the term loosely, for the most part) blogging friends are Mike, John, Amanda, Craziequeen, Captain Picard, and Andrea; newer, but equally valued virtual friends are Angelique, Heidi, Elvis, Peg, Duckbutt, and Banana Oil. Some of my friends don't blog much any more, like Gilahi (although he still lurks and comments occasionally, and we still get together for a few drinks every couple of months), Fiona, and Buggie. In addition to Gilahi and Buggie, I've also met and enjoyed the company of Kathy and her husband, and met other interesting people at various bloggers' happy hours and get-togethers in the local area.
Blogging is my creative outlet and (aside from ballroom dancing) my favorite pastime. I enjoy the writing, the commenting, and the ability to make new ... if virtual ... friends.
And so, Dear Readers, I hope you'll stick with me for the next six years ... or however long I can keep this space fresh and interesting.
Thanks for taking this journey with me. I appreciate all of you.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.
Congrats :)
It has been a pleasure to know you through your posts. One of the other blogs I miss from the past is It's a Numeric Life.
Happy Blogoversary!
Bilbo, it's a delight to read your blog regularly -- you come up with very interesting and provocative topics and ideas daily. I'm glad to be counted among your friends. Best wishes and congratulations to you on your 6th blogoversary!
Congratulations! I really enjoy your blog because you write on all sorts of topics. And, you actually remind me to 'think for myself'. Sometimes, its easy to fall into the trap of just going along with the opinions that you come across on the internet...
I hope you keep blogging for many many more years.
Bilbo, your blog is easily among the top ten on the internet. Rock on, and a toast to you.
You realize that you can still get your 2000th post in today if you crank out 14 more posts today. Numeric Life would be proud.
Happy Blogaversary, Bilbo!
Happy Blogoversary, Bilbo. Yours is a awesome blog!
Happy Sixth Bolgoversary, Bilbo!
HAHAH!! Is that your office Christmas picture??? I miss your verbal banter. :( I suppose I will have this for now until I see ya'll again!!!
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