An American soldier is in custody after allegedly murdering 16 Afghan civilians ... which, in the local Islamic culture, is considered far less of a crime than burning copies of the Koran; Osama bin Laden evidently at one point planned to kill President Obama so that a "totally unprepared" Vice President Biden would become president ... of course, were he really looking for totally unprepared, he should have held out for Rick Santorum or Newt Gingrich; a court in New Jersey has ordered the winner of a MegaMillions lottery jackpot to share the winnings with his co-workers, ruling that he fraudulently claimed the entire sum; in an outburst of techno-hysteria, crowds lined up for blocks to purchase the latest version of the iPad; and a disgruntled Goldman Sachs executive resigned from the company via a stinging OpEd article in the New York Times in which he characterized the company's culture as being "as toxic and destructive as I have ever seen it" ... which, on today's Wall Street, is really saying something.
And so, naturally, we need Cartoon Saturday to help make it all better ...
We lead off with the usual Gawd-Awful Pun of the week ...

Just when you thought you'd seen all the St Patrick's Day cartoons ...

And ...

Turning to the world of high-tech, the GPS cartoons just keep on coming ...

Speaking of reading and related things, this cartoon goes out to my blogging friends Kathy and Melissa, and to teachers of English everywhere ...

This one is so wrong, on so many levels, but soooo funny ...

Everybody's a critic ...

I can recall my school years being unpleasant at times (as a result of what we would today call "bullying," there having been a few such ass clowns in my elementary and high schools), but never actually dangerous. This cartoon uses wild exaggeration to take off on a real problem ...

And finally for this week, presidential wannabe Rick Santorum, no particular mental giant in his own right, has castigated President Obama for using teleprompters and for having other people write his speeches. Methinks that Mr Santorum has his own way of crafting his speeches ...

And so passes another week of ass clownery at home and abroad. The weekend looks as if it'll be pretty nice weather-wise, so perhaps I can do some more work on the impenetrable tangle of stuff that's out there where my lawn and garden used to be. I'll let you know how it works out.
Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow.
These cartoons were a real trip: St. Pat on a date, GPSes in Trojan horses, literate juries. You're a cartoon jedi, Bilbo!
All great cartoons, especially the toilet paper aliens.
I've been on juries. That's EXACTLY how they work.
St. Pat and Medusa? Well, she was a better bet than Deirdre of the Sorrows.
Great cartoons.
The awfuler the pun, the better!
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