As you know (unless you've been vacationing in a cave in Outer Mongolia), tomorrow the 2010 midterm elections will be held here in the US of A. You know this, of course, because your mailbox has been choked with glossy campaign literature, your answering machine has intercepted dozens of robocalls, and your doorbell has been rung by legions of earnest, but clueless flacks hoping to convince you to vote for their candidate.
It's getting old, isn't it?
But fear not! - Cartoon Saturday is here with a Special Edition Edition to help you cope with the distortions, half-truths, exaggerations, and outright lies that are being flung at you by both sides.
Judging from the tone of the attack ads being foisted off on us by both the Republicans and the Democrats, you'd think that our problems could be solved by the party with the most innovative name-calling ...

I wrote a post a while back about
efforts to redesign American currency. Perhaps one of the most efficient changes would be to have one set of currency design for Real People, and another for the Political Class ...

If, like me, you wasted a few hours of your life reading the Republicans' "Pledge to America" and marveling at how little specific information it packed into a beautiful, glossy package, you know what to expect if the Republicans and Tea Party wingnuts make it into power. You may scream now. Or you can just read this great skewering by Doonesbury cartoonist Gary Trudeau ...

The Republicans want to eliminate wasteful spending and roll back health care reform. Laudable goals, but the devil, as always, is in the details ...

And speaking of the devil ... and of poll watchers (see my post titled
"Stopping Voter Fraud, Or Not") ...

Depending on where you sit, maybe mindless shouting IS the right answer ...

No comment necessary ...

And finally, from the Ain't-It-the-Truth Department ...

No matter how jaded and cynical you are (and you've probably got a way to go before you catch up to me!), be sure to get out and vote, anyhow. You may not be able to buy elections like some others can, but perhaps if enough of us who are both pissed off and thoughtful go to the polls, we might be able to rent our elected officials when they're not busy with other things.
Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.
Yay for frank and ernest!!
I will do my part.
Ah the shouting toon. That is just to freakin' true.
Bandit hasn't been here recently because he did what I said and ran crap cleaner. Now his PC doesn't work. BWAHAHAHAHA. And now I have to help him fix it. Crap. Only Bandit could have problems like that.
I'm tired of it all! I'm not going to watch TV for the next 2 days as I can no longer stand the damn campaign crap.
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