Since it's tax time, and one's thoughts turn to the fairness (or not) of the tax system, we might as well fantasize a bit ...

There was much outrage recently when it was revealed that the General Electric Corporation had paid not a single cent in taxes on profits of billions ... and got a refund of the taxes they didn't pay. And it was all perfectly legal, GE being able to hire much better lawyers and more Congressmen than you and I. When you can fleece the little taxpayer legally, you may as well be up front about it ...

Both Republicans and Democrats seemed to go out of their way to make themselves look like moronic ass clowns during the recent budget standoff that threatened to shut down the entire government. I wonder how it all played in Peoria ...

The Republicans have painted themselves into a fiscal corner by demanding the budget be fixed by spending cuts only, with absolutely no discussion of "revenue enhancement" (that's government code for "tax increases"). Want to see what happens when the average Republican thinks about taxes? ...

If you thought the recent budget fiasco in Congress was bad, just wait for them to take up the budget for fiscal year 2012 that begins on October 1st. And if you think those are bad, just consider that we're going to have a presidential election going on at the same time. Or maybe not, since the Republicans' candidate bench is not especially deep ...

(And, lest you think I'm being unduly hard on the Republicans ... even though they've earned it ... it should be noted that the Democratic bench is not especially packed with world-class statesmen, either. The only difference is that the Democratic nobodies at least make an attempt to pretend they care about Real People.)
The Republicans are very serious on reducing the size and powers of government. Here's one way they're working to do it ...

And finally, we all know that the Republicans have come into their majority in the House of Representatives fired by a messianic belief that "the American people" have given them clear marching orders on what to do. It may have escaped their notice, but I am an American person and I think they're a bunch of self-important ass clowns who aren't terribly interested in what the American people think ... unless, of course, they're wealthy or incorporated. But nevertheless, the Republicans are convinced they're on a mission to turn things around ...

... and a fine job they're doing, too.
On a new, somewhat related topic, Faithful Reader Chrissy (who, for reasons of her own, loves my use of the term "ass clown") recommended a while back that, in addition to Cartoon Saturday, I start a regular feature along the lines of "Ass Clown of the Week." I think that's a great idea. The only problem is that I don't want to encourage additional ass-clownery by making them think they can get additional exposure by receiving a prestigious award. Nevertheless, because I think Chrissy's idea has merit, and because she routinely comments on my posts, and because who doesn't love a lady who writes so eloquently about poop, Bilbo's First Certified Ass Clown Award

is presented to Donald Trump:

This award is presented to Mr Trump in recognition of his boundless egotism and willingness to embrace long-discredited birther conspiracies in an attempt to make himself look like a meaningful candidate for president.
Congratulations, Mr Trump. Don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out.
Have a good day. Submit your recommendations for the Certified Ass Clown Award to my e-mail address. Submitters whose recommendations are selected will receive credit in my prestigious and widely-read blog.
More thoughts tomorrow.
Hey! Its a bonus for me because I'm only reading the original Cartoon Saturday today :D
It's great that we can rely on you Bilbo.
And that is meant to be a factual statement!
Haa...I LOOOVE it! I'm very excited for the ass clown awards.
And who better to be awarded the first one...DONALD? Of course the Donald. On a related note...his hair somewhat looks like the clowns. Coincidence? I'm not so sure.
Thanks for the shout out!
Wonderful!! And so deserving of your award!!
How about Jon Kyl??
And the thing about GE is just tooooo upsetting!
As far as watching the news -- I've taken to Colbert and Jon Stewart. At least I can laugh...
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