Saturday, February 22, 2020

Cartoon Saturday

It's been the sort of week that makes you wish booze came in bigger bottles ...

Der Furor replaced his acting Director of National Intelligence with a new, unqualified (but presumably loyal) acting Director of National Intelligence, after flying into a rage over a new Intelligence Community assessment that Russia is still meddling in our electoral processes on his behalf; Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the United States plans to sign a peace deal with the Taliban on February 29th; in Hanau, Germanym a man suspected of ties to right-wing extremists murdered 14 people, many of them Turkish, before murdering his mother and committing suicide; and Der Furor's friend Roger Stone, convicted on multiple counts of witness intimidation and lying to Congress, was sentenced to 40 months in jail ... which, given Der Furor's penchant for taking care of his friends, he is probably unlikely to serve.

Agnes and I recently decided to purchase unlimited passes for our local movie theater, which has turned out to be a remarkably good deal for a pair of retired people who can go to the less-well-attended matinees and enjoy the shows without a lot of background noise and annoying cell phone users. So, how about a collection of cartoons about theater and movies for today, eh?

The cost of food and drinks at movie theater concessions seems to be calculated by the same folks who brought you prescription drugs*. Here are a few riffs on the subject of movie snacks ...

Even with a senior discount, the price of snacks for two can approach that of dinner at a chain restaurant ...

I wonder why theaters don't have bank branches next to the concession stands to process the loans ...

I suppose that's an option ...

I don't understand why people would want to watch movies on a telephone screen. The screen of my iPad Pro is barely big enough ...

Truth in advertising ...

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't ...

I don't think it's a very popular genre ...

We calculated that our unlimited passes would pay for themselves if we saw two or three movies a month at the senior discount rate. So far, it's working that way ...

Forsooth ...

Do you suppose it was as big a problem in the Bard's day? ...

Cut!! That's it for this week's collection of theater- and movie-related cartoons. At least you can enjoy them without worrying about whether or not Der Furor will insert himself into the business. Oh, wait ... he says "Parasite" didn't deserve to win Best Picture. Never mind.

Have a good day and a great weekend. Come back tomorrow and sail away on the Sloop John B for Musical Sunday. More thoughts then.


* They're serious about it, too. Last week, the ticket taker at the local cineplex wanted to search my Herrentasche to make sure I wasn't smuggling in any contraband snacks.


Mike said...

Although we haven't gone recently, Claudia and I go to the $5.00 shows on Tuesday. We go at 11:00pm and have the theater almost to ourselves.

Dave Peterson said...

Interesting that THREE of them were the same drawing (two facing one way; one facing the other way) with just a new date and caption... Can an author plagiarize his own work?

allenwoodhaven said...

Years ago I thought of a movie I wanted to produce. I wanted to see the name on every theatre in the country. The name? Closed for Repairs...

Thanks for the smiles! Especially like the Bard ones.