Saturday, May 01, 2021

Cartoon Saturday

New month, new challenges ...

President Biden gave his first address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, while Republican Senator Tim Scott gave the GOP response; at least 44 people were killed and dozens more injured in a stampede at a crowded religious festival in Israel; in separate incidents, a cow and an alligator caused traffic delays on Wednesday in Houston, Texas; an Indonesian submarine lost at sea last week may have been hit by a powerful underwater wave; and here in the good old US of A, people are being bribed with free beer, donuts, and even savings bonds in order to convince them to get themselves vaccinated against Covid-19*.

Following on yesterday's focus on great moments in police blotters, this week's cartoons feature the men and women in blue we hope will protect and serve, rather than shoot first and ask questions later ...

Now, Mr Lecter, may we see your license? ...  

Plenty of witnesses, nowadays ...

I'm sure there's some other law he could cite ...

Why the cops always interrogate criminals separately ...

That narrows it down ...

How the police can make up for budget cuts ...

Forsooth! ...

Yep ...

Hmmm ...

Extra duty ...

You have the right to remain silly. Voting for people like Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and Josh Hawley will help.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow, on Musical Sunday.


* Apparently, "not dying alone in a hospital with a ventilator tube stuck down your throat" isn't a good enough reason for some people. In America, you have the right to remain stupid.


Mike said...

LOL at the butler did it.

allenwoodhaven said...

"...Now we just have a few dozen other questions." and cable worker murder are my picks of the week but lots of great ones. Thanks!