Saturday, July 30, 2022

Cartoon Saturday

Oh, for Pete's sake ... what did Congressional Republicans vote against now?

President Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping spoke for two hours as the Chinese government raged over a prospective visit to Taiwan by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi; Senate Republicans pitched a political hissy fit over Democratic legislative successes by voting against a hugely popular bill to provide medical aid to veterans ... which they overwhelmingly supported a month agoSupreme Court Justice Samuel Alito  mocked world leaders who criticized last month's ruling that overturned American abortion rights; Russia claimed that 40 Ukrainian prisoners were killed by a Ukrainian artillery strike, while the Ukrainian government charged they had been "brutally executed" by the Russians; and in the Japanese neighborhood of Ogori, 60 people have been attacked in their homes by monkeys since the beginning of July.

After a certain age, we think about things like insurance of all sorts. So do cartoonists, but they start earlier and have a lot to work with ...

I'm always amazed that more people haven't caught on to the scam that "access to" insurance and "insurance" aren't the same thing ...  

Pick your god whose acts aren't covered ...

The insurance racket has become very specialized ...

This is how insurance actually works* ...

You have to read the terms very carefully ...

Organized crime has to worry about insurance premiums, too ...

When you come right down to it, life is a pre-existing condition ...

I'm sure that this is actually a real thing ...

There's that fine-print thing again ...

Well they would, wouldn't they? ...

And there you have it ... your last Cartoon Saturday for the month of July, 2022. I hope you enjoyed it, and that all your insurance premiums are paid up so that you can argue forcefully ... if uselessly ... when they refuse to pay up when you finally need it.

Have a good day and a great weekend. See you tomorrow for Musical Sunday - more thoughts then.


* There was a great "Wizard of Id" cartoon years ago in which the Lackey introduced a life insurance agent to the king. The king asked, "what's life insurance?" The agent replied, "Think of it as a wagering game, your majesty ... we bet that you will live long enough to pay us more in premiums than you will ever get back in benefits." The king asked, "what happens if I die young?" The agent said, "You win!"


Mike said...

People in St. Louis are finding out they aren't covered for floods. You would think by now everyone would have heard about the "we don't cover flood water damage scam" of insurance companies. But apparently not. Lots of people on the news crying about "losing everything" and insurance doesn't cover anything.

The chances of me having flood water enter my house are about zero. Someone would be building an ark if it came to that. Still, I looked into flood insurance. What a rip-off.

River said...

If I ever get insurance I'm going to make sure it covers EVERYTHING. Axe of God, flying mugs, everything.

allenwoodhaven said...

Excellent collection, especially Act of Zeus and Organized Crime. Cartoon Saturday is always a pleasure; thanks!