Friday, July 15, 2022

The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for July, 2022

I quite honestly don’t know how to wrap my head around the level of toxic ass clownery that seems to get worse by the day. Whether it’s in the realms of government, entertainment, media, or whatever, we seem to be on the way to a world of ass clownery so vast that the James Webb Space Telescope couldn’t see all of it.

I had to grit my teeth and keep a barf bag handy as I wrote this week’s award. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, designation as

The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for July, 2022

is assigned* to

Representative Jim Jordan (R, OH-4)

Mr Jordan already has made a name for himself as one of the noisiest, yet least effective members of Congress, using his committee positions to angrily browbeat witnesses in the hope of scoring sound bites for the conservative base while authoring not a single significant piece of legislation. His only claim to Congressional fame is as a bomb-throwing, full-throated advocate for Der Furor and owner of the libs.

Mr Jordan descended to new depths of smug depravity this week when he issued a tweet accusing a ten-year-old rape victim forced to travel to another state for an abortion of being a liar. 

When the story was proven to be true, Mr Jordan reacted in typical fashion by quietly deleting the tweet and, when challenged by a reporter to explain why he'd deleted it, Jordan replied with an astounding leap of fact and logic, “Well, because we learned this was an illegal alien that did this heinous crime. So we deleted the tweet.” Further asked if he had apologized to the victim and her family for accusing her of lying, Jordan fired back at CNN reporter Manu Raju,

“I never doubted the child. I was responding to a headline from your profession, the news profession, which happens all the time on Twitter. I doubted Joe Biden, which is usually a smart thing to do.”

Even a despicable bottom-feeder like Jim Jordan can find new depths of angry depravity to plumb.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, the Left-Cheek Ass Clown for July, 2022, is Ohio Representative Jim Jordan - a shining example of the depravity represented by today's increasingly authoritarian and undemocratic Republican party.

Have a good day, and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday. I'll have calmed down and have more thoughts by then.



* This is Mr Jordan's second award. He was previously the Right Cheek Ass Clown for December, 2019.


Mike said...

Well deserved.

allenwoodhaven said...

His issues are many. Not even close to what the Founding fathers envisioned at a Representative.