Friday, February 17, 2023

Great Moments in Editing and Signage

It's Friday again, we did the Ass Clown Award last week, and that means it's time once again for


Let's get it on, shall we?

It's so much easier to handle and transport in this state ...

It's very annoying to have to debone a watermelon before I can eat it ...

Very mixed, I'd say ...

I wonder who the worker is that sorts the legs ...

It would have to be long stay parking, wouldn't it? ...

I think I'm going to stock up ... if my garden doesn't grow as planned, I'll still have something to eat ...

Um ... no thanks ...

Truth in advertising ... and it's organic! ...

It must be embarrassing to be reated so poorly ...

I guess it will be a stag event ...

And there you have it - this week's edition of great moments! I hope you enjoyed them.

Don't forget to send in your submissions for future posts! Whip out those cell phones, take pictures of the signage ya-ha's you run across (or scan them, if they're printed), and e-mail them to ol' Bilbo ... I'll give you credit when I use them.

Have a good day and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday - more thoughts then.



Mike said...

I think they're going to run out of right legs first.

jenny_o said...

These are awesome. Thanks for passing on the humour every week. I cope with my changed life by chasing humour in many forms, and I appreciate you bringing what you find to a wider audience. Today I especially enjoyed the mixed apples bananas and the chicken legs :)

allenwoodhaven said...

These are great.I've seen a Frozen Ice sign around here somewhere. Someone had fun with choosing Vampire Repellent!