Friday, February 10, 2023

The Right-Cheek Ass Clown for February, 2023

It's time once again to heave a great sigh at the state of the world and announce a new ass clown awardee. With the GOP in narrow control of the House of Representatives and MAGA extremists feeling their oats across the country, it's a target-rich environment in which it's difficult to separate the chaff from the other chaff, but sometimes it's easy. This is one of those times.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, designation as

The Right-Cheek Ass Clown for February, 2023

is bestowed upon

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene
(R, GA-14)

In a Republican House chandelier replete with low-wattage bulbs, the representative often known as "MTG" or by the nickname "Empty G" stands out for her general ignorance of how government functions, lack of understanding of current events, and focus on buffoonish grandstanding over serious attention to the hard work of actual legislation.

During the State of the Union address this past Tuesday, Representative Greene was captured on camera screaming insults at the President* as he presented a summary of his accomplishments and an optimistic look ahead. Considering that Ms Greene has yet to do anything of consequence as an elected representative, making rude noises is apparently all she feels qualified to do.

Before the speech, Ms Greene theatrically attempted to troll the Administration's handling of the Chinese Spy Balloon Incident by ostentatiously wandering the halls of Congress carrying a large white balloon**. When it became known that similar balloon incidents had occurred during the previous administration, Ms Greene called for an investigation into why Der Furor was not informed at the time, implying that the Pentagon deliberately withheld the information rather than wondering why the balloons were not detected in the first place ... it being more politically advantageous to assume the machinations of the mythical "Deep State." 

Today marks Ms Greene's third Ass Clown Award, her first being the Left-Cheek Award in January, 2021, and her second the Right-Cheek Award for December, 2021, shared with fellow legislative ignoramus Lauren Boebert (R, CO-3). 

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, the tinfoil and toilet paper crown is awarded to Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene to mark her designation as the Right-Cheek Ass Clown for February, 2023. The people of Georgia deserve the fatuous numbskull they have elected ... but sadly, the rest of us do not.

Have a good day, and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday ... more thoughts then.


* She was shouting "liar!" at the President's calling out of some Republicans for demanding cuts to Social Security and Medicare benefits on which many Americans rely. Sadly, Mr Biden has the receipts.

** One has to wonder whether her choice of dress for the State of the Union event was designed to remind viewers of the Chinese balloon. Of course, a balloon being a large bag of gas, it's an obvious choice of sigil or avatar for Ms Greene.


Mike said...

I like "Empty G". I hadn't heard that yet.

Grand Crapaud said...

She's a loser!

allenwoodhaven said...

Another fine choice. I hadn't heard "Empty G" yet either. Very fitting! I like the comparison to Cruella DeVille, but have read that she may have been trying for a messianic look. Personally, I think she just wanted to get attention. She's probably mad at Kyrsten Sinema for taking sartorial attention away from her.

River said...

Empty G sounds just right.