Friday, July 21, 2023

Great Moments in Editing and Signage

Well, Friends, it's time to take our minds off Congressional nonsense by pondering other mysteries of the universe ... like how some nonsense gets past those responsible for making sure that signs, ads, and headlines are correct. Put that safety belt around your brain and let's dive in ...

How much to ride someone else? ...

Well, I guess that's a reasonable request ...

I hear the servers' uniforms are decorated with old lace ...

When you go to a cannibal wedding ...

Send in the clones ... 

Yes, please do ...

And this is different from amateur bathroom tissue how? ...

I think I'll hold out for the professional version ...

I wonder if the sign painter has ever actually seen a rooster ...

I don't even know where to begin with this one ...

And there you go! Another collection of editorial and signage ya-ha's to take your mind off the news. I hope it worked.

Have a good day, and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday - more thoughts then.



Mike said...

Crèche or creche (from Latin cripia "crib, cradle") may refer to: Child care center, an organization of adults who take care of children in place of their parents.

There is a school system in Africa(?) called NSP. But that doesn't explain the tubes.

This could turn into a BIG project.

allenwoodhaven said...

Bilbo, it did work. Thanks!

My guess on the last one: it's a place for students at a school (Africa? Thanks Mike) to unload their guns before class by shooting their ammunition into the tubes. Thus they can keep their guns on them. The fragile roof sign is so the roof won't get shot full of holes. The downward trajectory of the tubes would help put the bullets into the ground. The do not point weapons towards creche sign is so the actual school building won't get shot up. Perhaps child soldiers from competing sides attend the school. Must be a tough neighborhood and a practical solution to such a problem. (Mike, if you research it, how close am I?)

Mike said...

Allen, I like your solution. It makes sense.