Friday, July 28, 2023

The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for July, 2023

Yes, it's that time again - time to shine the spotlight of dishonor upon yet another deserving ass clown. The job of selection never gets easier, but this time I think the choice is obvious (at least to me). Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, the tinfoil and toilet paper crown designating

The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for July, 2023

is presented, with flatulent blare of trumpets, to

Representative James Comer (R, KY-1)

In a Republican-dominated House of Representatives focused on revenge for the exposure and prosecution of Der Furor's crimes, it has become vital to muddy the judicial waters and maintain a drumbeat of innuendo and outright lies to deflect attention from the facts that: (1) Der Furor is deep in criminal liability; and (2) the current administration appears to be doing a good job of responding to multiple economic and political crises; and (3) GOP has no rational plans of its own for responding to those multiple economic and political crises. One of the leading cheerleaders of the Republican let's-fling-as-much-crap-as-possible-against-the-wall-and-hope-something-sticks approach to governance is Mr Comer in his role as chair of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee.

Accountability, of course, only works in one direction for Mr Comer and his associates, who turn a blind eye to the documented criminality of the previous administration, ignoring the mountains of available evidence while working relentlessly to undermine the current one.

Mr Comer is a master of appearing on Fox News, looking gravely serious, and making totally evidence-free assertions about the imaginary misdeeds of the Biden Administration. From his lofty, but unworthy perch as committee chair, he need not worry about such things as truth, dignity, honor, and justice ... and he doesn't.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, the Left-Cheek Ass Clown for July, 2023, is Kentucky Representative James Comer - a fine partner to other such Kentucky luminaries as Mitch McConnell and  Rand Paul. Poor Kentucky.

Have a good day, and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday - more thoughts then.


1 comment:

Mike said...

I heard Mitch McConnell was dumbstruck at your award.