Saturday, September 07, 2024

Cartoon Saturday

Ready for this week's set of cartoons? I know I am! This week, we pay another visit to those unsung heroes dedicated to making our lives safer - the crash test dummies.

They start learning their craft early ...

Good idea ...

For real, as my granddaughter would say ...

They may not make the best financial advisors after a career change ...

Dummies take care of each other ...

It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it ...

Different viewpoints ...

AI doesn't just threaten your jobs ...

They test other things besides auto safety ...

Not the fellow you really want to have sitting next to you on that flight ...

And that's it for this bang-up collection of cartoons ... I hope you enjoyed it. Be sure to come back tomorrow, when Musical Sunday has its salute to the monied classes - more thoughts then.



Mike said...

"Sweet" One man's meat is another man's poison. This isn't quite the phrase I was looking for but it seems to be the most common. Others have the word meat changed out but not to the one I was looking for.

allenwoodhaven said...

Wonderful! Especially like the flash test and slapstick test dummies; thanks!