Friday, September 06, 2024

The Right-Cheek Ass Clown for September, 2024

I generally like to make my Ass Clown Award picks as currently topical as possible, but since I'm on vacation without reliable wi-fi connections, I needed to make this selection a bit in advance. Nevertheless, I think it's probably a still-timely and well-deserved selection.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, we begin the new month with the award of the tinfoil and toilet paper crown for

The Right-Cheek Ass Clown for September, 2024


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

When a political figure is rejected even by members of his own family*, one has to wonder what that person has to offer to a thinking voter. 

Mr Kennedy has gained notoriety for his embrace of conspiracy theories, anti-vaccination stance, his odd claim that doctors had found a dead worm in his head, and his bizarre story of dumping a dead bear in New York's Central Park, for starters. His decision to endorse Der Furor and suspend his candidacy for the presidency (but only in closely-contested states where his supporters might go on to support Der Furor) was a mixture of cynical self-interest and realization that his political vanity project was going nowhere.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, is named as the Right-Cheek Ass Clown for September, 2024. We can add him to the list of those who should never be anywhere near any elective office, much less the presidency

Have a good day, and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday, when we once again salute those who give their artificial lives to help keep us safe - crash test dummies. More thoughts then.


* Perhaps it's a GOP thing ... Arizona Representative Paul Gosar's family rejected him, too.


Anonymous said...

See the family of the VP for reference!

Mike said...

He's just as goofy as tRUMP.

allenwoodhaven said...

A great pick. He deserves a long Bronx cheer.

There's a reason the weird label sticks... It's true!