Sunday, March 23, 2025

Musical Sunday

German has a reputation for being an "ugly" language, largely because of its numerous guttural sounds and long, complex words. But German can also be beautiful, and I have a lot of favorite songs that I learned while living in Germany ... for instance, this one by the folk singer Reinhard Mey, titled Herbstgewitter über Dächern - in English, Autumn Thunderstorms over the Rooftops ...

Here are the lyrics, first in German ...

Herbstgewitter über Dächern, 
Schneegestöber voller Zorn, 
Frühjahrssturm im Laub vom Vorjahr, 
Sommerwind in reifem Korn. 
Hätt‘ ich all das nie gesehen, 
säh', für alles andre blind, 
Nur den Wind in deinen Haaren, 
sagt' ich doch, ich kenn' den Wind. 

Straßenlärm und Musikboxen 
weh'n ein Lied irgendwo her. 
Düsengrollen, Lachen, Rufen, 
plötzlich Stille ringsumher. 
Hätt' ich all' das nie vernommen, 
wär' für alles taub und hört' 
Nur ein Wort von dir gesprochen, 
sagt' ich doch, ich hab' gehört. 

Bunte Bänder und Girlanden, 
Sonne nach durchzechter Nacht, 
Neonlicht im Morgennebel, 
kurz bevor die Stadt erwacht. 
Wär' mir das versagt geblieben, 
hätte ich nur dich geseh'n, 
Schließ' ich über dir die Augen, 
sagt' ich doch, ich hab' geseh‘n. 

Warten, Hoffen und Aufgeben, 
Irren und Ratlosigkeit. 
Zweifeln, Glauben und Verzeihen, 
Freudentränen, Trunkenheit. 
Hätt' ich all das nie erfahren, 
hätt' ich all das nie erlebt, 
Schlief' ich ein in deinen Armen, 
sagt' ich doch, Ich hab' gelebt.

And now in my very amateur and far-less-poetic English translation ...

Autumn thunderstorms over the rooftops
Angry showers of snow
A spring storm stirring last year's leaves
Summer wind in the ripening corn
Had not seen all that,
Had I seen, blind to everything else, 
Only the wind in your hair, 
I could say I've known the wind

Street noise and music boxes,
A song drifting by,
Jet noise, laughter, shouting,
Suddenly stillness all around - 
Had I never heard all that,
Were I deaf to everything, and heard
Just one word you'd spoken, 
I could say I've heard.

Colored ribbons and garlands,
The sun rising after a wild night,
Neon lights in the morning mist
Shortly before the city wakes - 
Had all that been denied me,
Had I seen nothing but you,
I'd close my eyes over you
And say I've seen.

Waiting, hoping, and surrendering,
Craziness and despair,
Doubting, believing, and forgiving,
Tears of joy, drunkenness - 
Had I never known these,
Had I not experienced them,
If I fell asleep in your arms,
I could say I'd lived.

The real poetry of the German words is impossible for me to adequately translate, but trust me - this is a beautiful song of love and emotion. 

The French couldn't do it any better.

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend ... you'll need it to face another Monday in this year.

More thoughts coming.



jenny_o said...

Your translation against the backdrop of the performance was moving enough to make my eyes blurry, so I'd say it was quite good.

Mike said...

Do you and Agnes speak German in the house to stay in practice?

Bilbo said...

Jenny - thanks. My German is pretty good, but I wish it were good enough to capture the poetry of the lyrics.

Mike - We usually speak English at home, Agnes's English being better than my German. We use German to talk with friends and relatives in Europe, and when we don't want people to know what we're talking about.