I heard a radio PSA the other day that advocated, as a security measure, using the "personal hotspot" function of one's cell phone rather than a free public WiFi connection (at the airport, mall, coffee shop, etc) to surf the web away from home. The security specialist who was being interviewed called this measure an example of "rational paranoia."
In this era of proliferating conspiracy theories, tinfoil hats, and general preference for imagined threats rather than real ones, maybe a little paranoia is a good thing, especially if it's "rational."
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines paranoia as,
1. mental illness characterized by systematized delusions of persecution or grandeur usually without hallucinations;2. a tendency on the part of an individual or group toward excessive or irrational suspiciousness and distrustfulness of others
Much of the political and religious right, and all of Der Furor's cabinet and advisors, appear to accept as gospel truth the most irrational of conspiracy theories. Don't be like them. Check out each bizarre claim with trusted sources* before you believe it.
Be a rational paranoid, and always remember: it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you ... which Der Furor's newly-weaponized Justice Department, unfortunately, seems to be.
Have a good day. More thoughts coming.
* "Trusted sources" means those that a fact-based and scientifically accurate, which pretty much automatically eliminates any right-wing media channel, "influencer," or member of Der Furor's administration.
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