Sunday, March 16, 2025

Poetry Sunday

For those who observe, we are now in the Catholic season of Lent, the period which leads up to the feast of Easter. Traditionally, observant Catholics make voluntary sacrifices during Lent (for instance, giving up some favorite food or activity), and refrain from eating meat, especially on Fridays. But not everyone is especially observant, as we learn in this week's poem by Cherie Lashway ...

Lenten Dissent
by Cherie Lashway

There once was a logger, named Paddy O'Connell,
Who at lunch during Lent, found himself at McDonalds,

And had just settled down to his Big Mac and fries,
When along came his priest, much to both their surprise.

The priest said to Paddy, "Just what are you eating?
In this season of Lent, I sure hope you're not cheating."

Paddy said to the Father, "I'll tell you no lies.
I'm enjoying a Big Mac, along with some fries."

The priest said to Paddy, "I see no repentance.
Because of this sin, you will have to do penance.

"By Friday or sooner, I say that you should,
For our fireplace, deliver a cord of chopped wood."

Now our timberman, Paddy, an overworked man,
Did think to himself, "I don't think that I can."

But early on Friday, our priest, he heard shoveling,
And looked out the window at Paddy not groveling.

And saw with confusion, dismay and disgust,
That the wood bin was now almost filled with saw dust.

He called down below, barely hiding his ire:
"Hey Paddy, your penance was wood for the fire!"

To which Paddy said, rising up from his work,
While wiping his brow and concealing a smirk:

"I've brought you a cord, like you said that I should,
But if burger be meat, well then sawdust be wood!"

If Paddy has any sawdust left, he can save it until Christmas and give it as an appropriate gift to President Musk, PINO Der Furor, "Vice President" Vance, and the rest of the people working hard to wreck the country. 

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend. More thoughts coming.



Mike said...

Ah, technicalities.

allenwoodhaven said...

Ha!! Love it!