Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The State of the Campaign in Mid April

As we go through the extended national root canal of the 2008 presidential campaign, I remain amazed that anyone still wants to consider themselves a Republican or a Democrat, to the extent that those labels still have any meaning. It looks like there are:

Ultra-Conservative Republicans, who think everything that's happened since 1789 has done nothing but ruin the country.

Conservative Republicans, who hate Democrats of any sort, as well as Republicans who fail to worship at the festooned altar of Ronald Reagan.

Mainstream Republicans, who consider themselves "conservative," but aren't quite as hysterical about most things as Conservative or Ultra-Conservative Republicans. They might be appealing, but can't organize themselves enough to rein in the most radical wings of their party to create a comprehensive, understandable, and realistic platform most Americans can support.

Liberal Republicans, who are viewed by Conservative and Mainstream Republicans as heretics and apostates, fit only to use as kindling at an auto-da-fe.

Conservative Democrats, who might be attracted by Mainstream and Liberal Republican ideas, but can't stand the thought of being associated with the extreme right.

Mainstream Democrats, who are embarrassed by the antics of their party's extreme wing, but can't get themselves organized enough to rein them in and come up with a coherent platform that can appeal to most Americans.

Liberal Democrats, who think it's still 1965 and seem to view things through a hazy cloud of burning hemp; and

Ultra-Liberal Democrats, who just don't think, period.

As for the candidates:

Barak Obama is an empty suit, but sounds good to those who don't look below the rhetoric in search of the substance.

Hillary Clinton has more relevant experience than Mr Obama, but not as much as she wants to think. She's also got the albatross of Bill Clinton hanging around her neck.

John McCain is a brave American and a genuine war hero with broad experience in military and legislative leadership, but in trying to appeal to everyone, he's managed to alienate the Conservative and Ultra-Conservative Republicans and the Liberal and Ultra-Liberal Democrats. Most of the rest of the people are getting suspicious, too.

So who do I support in the November elections?


The only candidate I can actually admire is John McCain, but I can't figure out what he really believes in, and don't think I could handle another four (or eight) years of Republican administration. As a pubic speaker of some experience, I enjoy listening to some of Barak Obama's speeches, although after a while they all sound the same and there's nothing substantive behind the grand rhetoric. And forget Hillary Clinton - her resume inflation alone has gotten under my skin, and I think she's an empty dress to match Mr Obama's empty suit.

So far, I'm voting for "none of the above" in November. You'd think that in a country with over 300 million people, we could have come up with three better candidates than these.

Wake me when it's over.

No, wait! Just let me sleep on. I think the self-induced coma may be better.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



The Mistress of the Dark said...

What's so bad about Bill though? I would hazard a guess, Hillary was a driving force behind his presidency, though that's not "real" experience.

Granted we have the whole laughable Lewinsky scandal but that doesn't change that our national debt was lower and people had jobs and only half the world hated us then.

I'm voting Hillary for the PA primary, but that's pretty much a given for me...as for November....well I may just sleep through that.

Mike said...

I keep telling people, pick your vice presidential candidate carefully. McCain will croak or the democratic nominee will be killed by a right wing nut case.