Synagogues in Chicago are on alert after packages of
explosives shipped to them from Yemen were intercepted by authorities;
shots have again been fired at the Marine Corps museum in Quantico, Virginia;
nine police officers were murdered in Mexico when their convoy was ambushed, probably by drug gangs; five soldiers were wounded and 30 Taliban fighters
killed in an attack on a combat outpost in Afghanistan; and a judge in New York has ruled that a four-year-old girl accused of running down an elderly woman while racing a bicycle with training wheels on a Manhattan sidewalk can be
sued for negligence.
Put on your plastic fangs, swirl your cape, and bay at the moon - it's time for Cartoon Saturday's Halloween Edition.
Some Halloween costumes are just
too frightening...

There's an app for that ...

The stereotyped Halloween costume is the sheet-over-the-head ghost. Here are two takes on that tradition ...

Sometimes, size
does matter ...

Halloween for the digital generation ...

Don't you just hate it when someone shows up at a party in the same costume you did? ...

Some houses are better for trick-or-treaters than others (thanks to
Andrea for this one!) ...

There are traditionalists, and there are progressives ...

It's all in your perspective ...

And finally, circling back to where we started, there are some things that are
fun scary, and some things that are
really scary ...

Happy Halloween! If you're driving this weekend, watch out for trick-or-treaters who are focused more on candy and fun than on watching for cars. And don't forget to vote in the election on Tuesday. Halloween can be scary ... some of the people running for office are horrifying.
Be sure to be here on Monday for a special pre-election edition of Cartoon Saturday - you'll need the boost as you get ready to cast your vote.
Have a good day. More thoughts coming.
Great cartoons. Thanks for sharing.
Those sheet ones are very cute!
Previously, Halloween wasn't all that big a deal over here in Australia but today, I saw several fun looking parties.
So glad you liked that toon :)
Happy Halloween! Love the 'trickle down' cartoon. He wasn't even a good 'B movie actor!'
The occasion allows for some great humour. Happy Halloween!
I may actually go out and get a pumpkin just to carve the sideways face.
Wv: brant - Burned wheat toast.
Baggy sheets.....hahahahaha!
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