Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Ass Clown Special Award

While the world of politics continues to dominate the nation's supply of ass clowns, the world of quasi-religious leaders also continues to churn out powerful candidates who are particularly dangerous because they wrap their ass clownery in the language of self-righteous religious belief. Today, we honor an ass clown whose language and actions are particularly stupid and dangerous, presenting an

Ass Clown Special Award


Greg Locke

Mr Locke, the extreme right-wing "pastor" of the Global Vision Bible Church in Mt Juliet, Tennessee, has gained notoriety for his fiery denunciation of Covid-19 as a "hoax," and for his vow to eject from his services anyone who enters wearing a protective mask. He not only refuses to accept the dangerous validity of the Covid-19 pandemic - with predictable effects for the followers he orders "do not get vaccinated" - but he has used his denial of the pandemic as a political cudgel to push his extreme conservative agenda, raging that only "crack-smoking, demon-possessed leftists" believe that President Biden is the legitimately-elected president. 

In a recent sermon, Mr Locke thundered,

"They're talking about shutting down this nation for round two. Talking about masking everybody back up, shutting down churches. My hind leg if they think they gonna shut this church down ... Knock on my door, ask me if I got a vaccine? My hind leg. Don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you."

So much for Christian charity and the biblical command to love one's neighbor.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, we present today's Ass Clown Special Award to Greg Locke, a man who represents the worst of self-described Christians and a deadly danger to those who blindly follow his hysterical ravings. We also award him a Gohmert Stupidity Scale rating of 3,000,000 ghm - the very top of the scale. He is a clear medical danger to those who follow his guidance, and those who come into contact with them. He deserves the condemnation of every rational human being, and especially those who profess to follow the example of Jesus Christ.

Have a good day. More thoughts coming. 


1 comment:

Mike said...

I've seen video clips of this guy. He is just batshit crazy.