Friday, April 22, 2022

The Left-Cheek Ass Clown Award for April, 2022

April grinds on and grinds us with it, and it's now time to recognize the second of our Ass Clown awardees for the month. As ever, it's been ridiculously difficult to come up with a single cringeworthy Ass Clown to represent the horde, but after much thought and head-shaking observation I've managed to single out this period's winner.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, with the usual flatulent blare of trumpets we designate

The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for April, 2022

and the award goes to

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Governor DeSantis, in his attempts to out-furor Der Furor and cement his extreme right-wing credentials for a presidential run in 2024, has gone to amazing lengths to prove that he is a staunch defender of what he perceives to be American values. In his most recent foray into the GOP-stoked culture wars, he decided that 54 mathematics textbooks - a full 41% of 132 submitted to the Florida Department of Education - needed to be removed from consideration for use because "they incorporate prohibited topics or unsolicited strategies, including CRT (critical race theory)."

A normal person might wonder what race has to do with mathematics, but apparently the fevered mind of Mr DeSantis ... always searching for the next horrific outrage from the left to stir up his followers ... has decided that odd numbers are odd because they may embrace racial or socialist thought, and imaginary numbers are imaginary because they may lead to impure or otherwise prohibited thoughts. 

"You have orthodoxies that are promoted, and other viewpoints are shunned or even suppressed," Mr DeSantis was quoted as saying, going on to state, "We don't want that in Florida."

And I would submit that many of us don't want Mr DeSantis in Florida - or anywhere else - either.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is named as our Left-Cheek Ass Clown for April, 2022. Long may he stay in Florida, where many of the people are crazy from the heat and humidity, anyhow.

Have a good day, and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday. More thoughts then.



Mike said...

This freakin' idiot needs a category all to himself. But then a lot of Republicans do these days.

allenwoodhaven said...

Another "fine" choice. Sigh.......