Sunday, July 30, 2023

Poetry Sunday

I tend to be an early riser ... most days I'm up and wide awake no later than 6:00, and usually by 5:00 or so. That's not to say I don't enjoy sleeping in, just that I seem to be biologically unable to do it most of the time. Today's poem speaks to the joys of burrowing in and enjoying just a bit more sleep than usual ...

Weekends, Sleeping In 
by Marjorie Saiser 

No jump-starting the day,
no bare feet slapping the floor
to bath and breakfast.
Dozing instead
in the nest
like, I suppose,
a pair of gophers
in fuzz and wood shavings.
One jostles the other
in closed-eye luxury.
We are at last
what we are:
and breath
and dream.

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hope you were able to get a few extra winks.

More thoughts coming.


1 comment:

Mike said...

It's time for me to go to bed.