Iran claims to have shot down an American reconnaissance drone ... which, on the Iranian news broadcasts, appears to have suffered no damage from being shot down; GOP gadfly and presidential wannabe Newt Gingrich has irritated the Palestinians by describing them as an "invented people;" a gunman has murdered a police officer and then killed himself at Virginia Tech University, where another gunman murdered 33 people in 2007 ... in a related development, the NRA says guns had nothing to do with it; the ongoing Congressional Clown Show continued as Republicans refused to extend a payroll tax holiday (which, oddly, Republicans generally support) unless Democrats agree to a Republican-backed plan for an oil pipeline; and in Russia, tens of thousands of people demonstrated against Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and what they claimed were rigged parliamentary elections (why don't they just do things the American way and buy the election?).
Time for another dose of Cartoon Saturday ... it won't cure the ass-clownery, but it will help you deal with the symptoms.
I shared this cartoon with you a few months back, and it was very popular ...

I ran it again today because it works so well with this one ...

Speaking of gods, they can be very specific in their demands ...

It can be tough to deal with modern technology, as we see here ...

And here ...

It can also be difficult to deal without modern technology ...

Of course, things were much easier when technology was not so advanced ...

Don't you wish Truth in Advertising laws applied to ass clowns running for office ... ?

You just can't be too careful nowadays ...

And finally, there's research science and there's applied science ...

And so another week grinds to a close. There are only 15 shopping days left until Christmas, so if you still need that gift for someone special - ol' Bilbo, for instance - you need to get hopping.
Have a good day. More thoughts coming.
Teacher says, "I got your delete function ya' little smart ass". Takes face and erases 6.
another great coleection. Thanks Bilbo!
Cartoonists are so inventive!
Would technical virgin olive oil do?
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