What would you keep in a hundred-year old computer cabinet ... an abacus?

There goes the neighborhood ...

I imagine it can be tough for real estate agents to keep coming up with jazzy ways to describe tired properties, but this one went a bit far ... and can't spell, either ...

If only it were this inexpensive ...

Sometimes, you've just got to call a spade a ... pointy shovel ...

You just know there's another story here, but you probably don't want to hear it ...

Is certain death a pre-existing condition ... ?

I'm reminded of the movie, A Mighty Wind ...

There's an art to descriptive language ...

And finally, a gift idea for that hard-to-shop-for fellow you don't like very much ...

The GOP - 39 votes
Congress - 36 votes
Saudi Arabia - 34 votes
The Democratic Party - 17 votes
Lindsey Lohan - 14 votes
We have a new entry in the voting this week, as GOP blowhard and presidential wannabe Newt Gingrich has received a single vote ... clearly cast by someone who actually listens to what he's been saying. On a related topic, you may want to closely study this picture of Mr Gingrich ...

... and then go back and read my post from June 21st of this year. Coincidence? I think not.
Be sure to vote for the Ass Clowns of your choice today ... and tomorrow ... and every day between now and December 30th. Let your voice (and your pets' voices, and the voices in your head) be heard!
Have a good day. Be here tomorrow for the Christmas Edition of Cartoon Saturday.
More thoughts then.
I like Robert's advice on complimenting one's girlfriend's chest! He should consider a career in politics. And the Queenstown farter should have better manners than to do it in bed.
Nancy Pelosi gets my latest vote for Assclown of the Year, nudging out Kim Kardashian, despite her epic backside.
When I read in the morning paper that the House GOP will pass the payroll tax extension, I was encouraged but only briefly. Then I read that a congressman from Texas said something to the effect that they (House Republicans) felt like they were in the Alamo with no friends helping and taking increased fire from the enemy. Is that how they see the American people and fellow legislators - as enemies?!
This earns the Republicans another vote for ass clown of the year. And since Newt Gringrich is an excellent additional choice, I will cast a vote for him too.
Thanks, Bilbo, for all the great blogging. It's great entertainment and often a civic lesson as well.
I vote for the GOP.
Pissass and Cheapass cars. Really? :)
Those bothel guys are right.
Hmmm...just the democratic party? Oh my who voted Mitt, Newt, Perry?
The terminally ill man rings a bell....we were told by an attorney that the error on my husbands medical record that states he has cancer (never has) and thus not allow us to get health insurance is that unless we are harmed or die he couldn't help us. Gee thanks!
Merry Christmas Bilbo!
I'll vote for both the Democrats and the Republicans. Both parties suck. We need a third party.
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