Conservatives and the Roman Catholic church have hysterically excoriated the Administration over a birth control requirement that actually became law during the George W. Bush administration; presidential wannabe Rick Santorum stands by his statement that women are too emotional to serve in combat during wartime ... having obviously never faced an irate woman; 11 persons are dead and more than 30 missing following the sinking of a boat overloaded with Somali refugees; Europe continues to freeze under layers of snow, ice, and frigid arctic air; and Syria continues its brutal crackdown on its rebellious population, buoyed by the tacit support of Russia and China - both concerned about the possibility of future limits on their own ability to crack down on their own populations.
Cartoon Saturday ... your first line of mental defense against a world awash in ass-clownery.
One of my all-time favorite "Far Side" cartoons is this one, because it's just so bizarre ...

I thought it was pretty unique until I ran across this one ...

Two cartoons about the vital role played by accountants in the economy ...

And ...

If you thought riding the mechanical bull at your local cowboy bar was tough ...

This is also one of the potential problems of a wholesale move to digital reading ...

In retrospect, this one is such an obvious joke I'm surprised I haven't seen it riffed on in the cartoons before now ...

Don't you just love born-again conservatives and libertarians who just know that they have the answer to everything ... ?

We wrap things up today with two riffs on a basic idea, cleverly executed ...

And ...

It looks as if it's going to be a yucky weekend weatherwise here in Disneyland-on-the-Potomac, with plummeting temperatures turning this morning's rain into sleet and snow by this afternoon ... good thing I've got a nice stack of library books and a full tank of propane hooked up to the fireplace. If you don't want to go out into the crummy weather, why not cruise on over to Amanda's blog and welcome her back after her long digital hiatus ... or over to Mike's, to learn about how your desk job is destroying your body. Of course, if you're just interested in bodies not yet destroyed, you could go here.
Don't thank me ... it's all part of the service.
Have a good day. Stay warm. More thoughts tomorrow.
Great cartoons for Saturday. The nonreader with the hidden passage and the OCD sheep-herding dog are really cool!
I love Cartoon Saturday!
Well? Are you rich enough for tax loopholes? No wait.. you still work don't you?
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