A 29-year old man from Morocco - an illegal alien, no less - was arrested for planning a suicide bombing of the US Capitol building (evidently not realizing that Congress has already done a thorough job of reducing it to twisted, smoking wreckage); having nothing better on which to report, news outlets across the country devoted 24/7 coverage to the death and funeral of singer Whitney Houston; in an attempt to regain some shred of profitability, the Postal Service has requested a rise in the first-class mail rate to 50 cents an ounce ... evidently not realizing that no one sends any first-class mail any more; German President Christian Wulff resigned amid a political scandal, confusing observers around the world who had no idea that Germany even had a president; and Congress finally approved a plan to extend the payroll tax cut, as legislators were anxious to move on to other topics on which to conduct shameless election-year political theater.
Just another week in the land of I-Couldn't-Make-This-Stuff-Up.
We begin with our semi-traditional Ghastly Pun of the Week Cartoon ...

Those of us of a certain age sometimes have difficulty with the latest technological innovations, as we see here ...

And here ...

I have an enormous collection of cartoons, and try to keep track of them by sorting them into categories ... one of which is cartoons about symbols. Here are three new additions that just popped up recently ...

And ...

In case you can't read the word bubble in that one, it says, "For some odd reason, I find myself really attracted to you." And, finally ...

I think this one explains a lot about how the political system works ... or not ...

You may recall that last week's Cartoon Saturday featured one of my favorite "Far Side" cartoons that I liked because it was so totally bizarre. This week, I bring back another of my Far Side favorites, along with a related take on the same off-the-wall idea ...

And ...

And we round out this week's Cartoon Saturday collection with a look at the old ... uh ... bait and switch, restaurant division ...

It looks like it's shaping up to be an ... interesting ... weekend here in Disneyland-on-the-Potomac, not least because we're awaiting the arrival of our first "real" winter storm tomorrow which, in true Northern Virginia weather fashion, will roll in and hit us with anywhere from rain to four or five inches of snow. Meteorological prognostication is not really an exact science around here.
For today, we'll spend some time with the local grandchildren, then join a million of our closest friends as they mob the stores in search of the crucial supplies needed to survive a winter storm: beer, bread, toilet paper, and cold cuts.
Not necessarily in that order.
Have a good day. Stay warm and dry.
More thoughts tomorrow.
Far Side cartoons are always fab!
The Far Side cartoons are always a delight!
Children's stories on e-readers? Maybe. But the illustrations greatly help in the settling down process.
Thanks, I needed that.
And you forgot to add chocolate to your list. I'm making pasta e fagioli and foccacia. Want to sled on up?
Whitney Huston DIED!!! NO WAY!!! When did that happen?!
Some great puntoons today. I'm going out to look for a Mayan colander while there's still time to use it.
Conversant letters in cartoons? A great occasion for punning to do Cartoon Saturday a tour de force. Great ones!
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