A huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could end up costing
more than $3 billion in containment and environmental cleanup costs; it's not a good time to be violating
immigration laws in Arizona; the
unemployment rate in Spain has topped 20%;
Greece teeters on the brink of bankruptcy as its citizens balk at having to give up cherished benefits the country can no longer afford and foreign donors are unwilling to pay for; and reality star
Kim Kardashian denies that the gastric effects of the giant burrito she allegedly ate on a recent airline flight caused the ... um ... foul stench noted by other passengers.
Yep, it's definitely time for Cartoon Saturday.
When you think of "cell," what's the first thing that comes to your mind - a phone, or a ... well ...

And just in case you ever wondered about the biochemical basis for

As we become increasingly aware of environmental issues, more and more people are looking to sources of renewable energy to power their homes. Members of Congress and political commentators, for instance, are able to use wind power, while many other people rely on the sun to generate power. Of course, solar power isn't for everyone...

Sometimes, you just have to go for the more expensive option...

Many scientists and theologians are concerned about modern science's ability to distort the natural balance of the sexes by allowing parents to select the gender of their children ...

And finally for this first Cartoon Saturday of May, we know that unemployment is a real problem here in the US (although not, happily, as bad as it is in Spain, which we noted in today's introduction). Many people rely on temporary jobs to get by, although some temporary positions are clearly better than others...

Last night's dance party was lots of fun, and this weekend features a retirement party for an old friend, quality time with the grandchildren,
and the
First Sunday Dance at the Candy Factory. How much better does it get? Hope yours is as good.
Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.
Thanks for the grins. Have a great weekend.
Those first two toons were kind of celly.
Wv: imbagnes - Your wifes' new media company.
Hey Bilbo - great toons this weekend again. I did dmile at the cell jokes - very funny.
'Course, in the UK cells are called mobiles :-0
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