Friday, June 03, 2011

It's a Horse!

After a long dry spell in which she was probably getting a life, our beloved Fiona is back to blogging again. If you are not getting enough Scottish brogue in your blog reading, she is riding to your rescue. Welcome back, Beautiful Lady!

And, speaking of riding to your rescue, she really is - because Fiona is a genuine horse lady who rides and cares for her equine friends on her spread out in California. I am envious, because here in Disneyland-on-the-Potomac, we don't very often see a horse with a front end attached. In fact, it can be difficult to even recognize and relate to an entire horse ... thus, as a public service, I offer this helpful flow chart from Graph Jam that will help you with the recognition and effective use of your horse ...

I hope you can read this ... if it's not legible, e-mail me (bilbo_the_blogger (at) yahoo (dot) com) and I'll send you a copy of the original.

Because when it comes to funny stuff, we don't horse around.

Have a good day. Cartoon Saturday is coming!

More thoughts tomorrow.


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